Saturday 21 May 2011

"i felt so symbolic yesterday"

Me in my new shoes and my cat, Capucine and her cat, the shoes, Grace Kelly wearing espadrilles, and a Cindy Sherman (Untitled Film Still 33)

I bought this pair of wedge espadrilles from New Look (never go in there but my Auntie said she had seen some cheap espadrilles that I would like in there) they were only £12 and I got them to be part of my bridesmaid outfit (it's my sisters wedding in a week), I made the pictures black and white to suit the theme I wanted to go for in this post but they are navy suede type material with white bow which I think I will cut off... they will look better and less cheap without. You can see from the top picture that my cat wanted my attention while I took these pictures, he's very sweet. Oh and the title is from Mr Jones by Counting Crows, it's stuck in my head. I find it funny to write this when I don't know if anyone is going to read it... hope they do though.

Monday 16 May 2011

I don't have the hang of this


Calvin Klein Ready to Wear Autumn 2011.... A few looks I like...


Alice, Sweet Alice poster, Go Ask Alice (1971 book), A Scottish Wildcat, Cameron Diaz's apparant yearbook picture- she might as well be 'Alice', and a Black Hole yearbook pic, and a random picture I found when all this Alice talk made me think of 'Alice, Alice, who the fuck is Alice?- see the link, and a still from Alice, Sweet Alice.

Go Ask Alice is a sinister book- I thought it was real for ages but was told that it was a work of fiction. It 's fairly scary though and is quite realistic, this girl's diary entries detailing her downwards spiral in life. You never actually know her name, it is assumed to be Alice due to the title, but this was apparently just to do with the drugs (Jefferson Airplane and all) and not meant to be to do with the fact that the protagonist was actually called Alice.

Anyway perhaps I should make a lighter hearted post next time.

Friday 13 May 2011


I hope these images pull together, I just thought about supernatural things and these went with my instinct. It's Friday the 13th so I thought it was fitting to have a supernatural, weird themed post.
Sandra de Matos collage, Susperia poster, Susperia still, Sandra de Matos print, The Wishing Stairs still (spooky movie), Sandra de Matos collage, Sookie screaming (True Blood), Sandra de Matos collage (, Susperia still.

We could have had it all...

This is a still from the movie Daisies ('Sedmikrasky', 1966) found on 'Tastes Like Static', Audrey Hepburn, Tracey Emin, Lara Stone